Friday, March 31, 2006

Untitled, 2006, lino, 28 x 12cm (edition of 10)
AUS $25


Anonymous said...

i really like this one... blank background is great, more effective and it made me look at the man more. it would be so amazing if you did it as a reaally big lino, like a movie poster size. do you have more etchings to post up? it would be cool if you put up a back catalogue, of sketches and paintings and old prints, just to get more of an idea of your kinda ssstyle you know, did i hear something about a diorama you did in relief? anyway good work, you'll be famous one day. from your envious, inspired uni buddy jesseb1 or 2 i dont remember xx

Becci Love said...

Seb I want this one, for the obvious reasons, to give to squid man.

Let's do deals 'aight?

Anonymous said...

love the lines in this one
a bit too coffiny for me to live with

keep producing
I'm a sucker for fluid lines and complex interweavings of shapes and meanings

Could be in the market for something
Nice to get you before you become famous

Sorry my text is not full of coolism--too old for that
Like the idea of anonymous on left (what a boring name --and so popular too) --about movie sized poster--just imagine the lino work in that--could do a big print of a digital image of a smaller lino print--now that would be pomo--or would it be pseudopomo