Cover art for digital 7" release of Let's Settle The Score b/w 'Til I Die by Summer Flake (the prolific Stephanie Crase of Birth Glow, No Through Road, Hit The Jackpot, Terrible Truths, Sebadoh jam bands et. al)
March 2012, pencil, pen & ink
Summer Flake Bandcamp
Archival dig: 2003 (yet to be) release(d) Bone Town by Ringo Stalin
Pencil, charcoal, pen & ink
Ringo Stalin's Curios (potentially NSFW)

Bones (minus text) of the wraparound cover art for Hit The Jackpot's 2011 cassette/digital release Holiday (CH90) through Melbourne's Chapter Music
Pencil, charcoal, pen & ink
Hit The Jackpot
Chapter Music
Hats off to anyone who can pick the terrible Latin translation on the building...